Category Archives: Type 2 diabetes

The Keystone Cops of Australian Medicine PART 2
Did AHPRA make an example of Dr Fettke? Prior to AHPRA’s ruling, a 2013 Senate Inquiry highlighted the failings of AHPRA’s complaints-handling in order to guarantee public safety. As a result of this investigation, there was a call for a more strict handling of complaints against practitioners by AHPRA. This could have motivated relentless pursuing of legal action against Dr Fettke for giving out unsolicited nutrition advice in favour of low carb. Gary Fettke: punished for speaking the truth The dietary evidence points to a low carb diet…

The Keystone Cops of Australian Medicine, Medical Foundations, AHPRA and the role of the Government. (with apologies to the Keystone Cops) PART1
This is one long blog but stick with it— digging through meters of BS in hip-boots, a shovel and a bucket takes a bit of time. Recently Pete Evans came under yet another attack by the ‘authorities’ for his support and promotion of The Paleo Diet. Michael Gannon, the President of the AMA called him ‘Paleo Pete’: derision I suspect, to lower Pete’s status in the eyes of the Australian public. Here are some of the less than articulate comments from said President after the…

Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), Metabolic Syndrome and taking medicines unnecessarily (‘just in case’.)
The LCHF Conference in South Africa, would have been a revelation to the general public that came to the Sunday conference. People learned that T2D can be ‘cured’ in just a few days after starting a LCHF diet. The medical profession is becoming less skilled in optimal disease management because the ‘6 minute consult’ cannot allow doctors to develop refined clinical skills. Lab tests dictate treatments, which makes no sense as they are meant to be used as a guide to the clinical assessment, but that…

ABC Catalyst — The Heart of the Matter – Part 2

Catalyst — Low Carb Diet – Fat or Fiction?

The Medical Lies about Type 2 Diabetes
One of the world’s greatest medical conferences just concluded in Cape Town, South Africa. Professor Tim Noakes assembled an astounding group of world experts in the fields of statistics, nutrition and sports physiology to explain for the very first time to an international audience, what the real story is concerning diet, heart disease and diabetes. Listen up! Everything you have learned about diet and its association with obesity, heart disease and diabetes is WRONG. Unveiled was a series of lectures showing clearly that when properly…

If Modern Medicine Works So Well, Why Are There Now 350 million Diabetics Worldwide?
A revolution has been taking place in front of our eyes and we don’t even see it. It is the heart diseases, obesity and diabetes epidemics sweeping the world. Based on the population of around 1900, we should have about 45,000 diabetics in the world today- most of them being Type 1 (or insulin-dependent diabetics.) Instead, we have a jaw-dropping 350 MILLION diabetics, most of whom are Type 2 diabetics. Only 2 to 3 percent of people were obese in 1960 and now it is…