Why is Testosterone a Controlled Substance?

Original article December 21, 2011 By Dr. Joe Jacko  (Updated by Robin Willcourt, July 27, 2015) Did you know that as you read this, your body is manufacturing a substance that the U.S. Congress and other governments in unenlightened countries, Australia being one of them, have determined to be a controlled substance?  How can a hormone that the body naturally makes, not only in men, but also in women and children be considered to be dangerous enough to classified as a controlled substance? It’s easy…

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The Medical Journal of Australia and it’s badly trained puppy- The 6minute Newsletter

For many months I have been keeping track of the drivel that Amanda Davey, among other non-discriminating analysers of the medical literature have been presenting to the Australian medical community through the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) and The 6minutes Newsletter. Having a poor ability to discriminate between the 50% or so of the fraudulent papers that get published in the medical literature, they highlight one idiotic article after another, leaving the Australian practitioner with damagingly doctored data on which to shape his or her daily…

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The Medical Journal of Australia, Climate Change and Charlatans

Today the Medical Journal of Australia’s newsletter, MJA 6Minutes, weighed in on climate change. The article was written by Fiona Armstrong, who is an Associate, Melbourne Sustainable Societies Institute, University of Melbourne; Sessional Lecturer, School of Public Health and Human Biosciences at LaTrobe University commenting on the 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate report. This report comes six years after the  groundbreaking first Commission report – a collaboration between the Lancet and University College London – which described climate change as the ‘biggest global health threat…

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Totalitarian medicine: Medical boards threaten to destroy careers of doctors who question Big Pharma propaganda

Marching along with the theme that Medicine has been so corrupted by industrial pressure, that most studies add nothing scientific to the agenda, are often fraudulent and are backed by lackeys of the food and drug companies, often the Professors in Medicine, we add the following disheartening observations. Summary: goose-step with the medical nazis, or else….  (NaturalNews) The American Medical Association (AMA) is upping the ante in pursuit of total control over the medical industry. Outraged that acclaimed physicians like Dr. Mehmet Oz of The Dr.…

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