Anabolic Steroids, Growth Hormone and other ‘bad boys!’

There is nothing like perception getting in the way of reality.  ‘Facts’ derived from every Tom, Dick and Harry’s consensus(es) aren’t facts at all but this is now becoming a common means of establishing ‘facts’ in a world that is becoming less careful about how it uses science to establish what is true and what is a lie. Now, it is simply a matter that if enough people believe something, it becomes an ‘established fact.’  We’ve seen this well demonstrated in the carbon dioxide and global warming ‘debate’ but it…

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The Real Food Revolution.

The EpigenX approach to healthy dietary patterns has been shaped by the abject failure of the advice that has been given to us by The National Heart Foundation of Australia, Nutrition Australia and Diabetes Australia.   The rates of cardiovascular disease vary widely. Here are just a few countries for comparison. While Australia and the US are not among the worst of these statistics, we should be asking ourselves why we are not lower than we are, especailly when we compare ourselves to the French and Japanese.…

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If Modern Medicine Works So Well, Why Are There Now 350 million Diabetics Worldwide?

A revolution has been taking place in front of our eyes and we don’t even see it. It is the heart diseases, obesity and diabetes epidemics sweeping the world. Based on the population of around 1900, we should have about 45,000 diabetics in the world today- most of them being Type 1 (or insulin-dependent diabetics.) Instead, we have a jaw-dropping 350 MILLION diabetics, most of whom are Type 2 diabetics.  Only 2 to 3 percent of people were obese in 1960 and now it is…

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